Monday, January 04, 2010

i'm so haypy yay

Hi ya!

I've just moved to my new cribz. lol.
Everything is so nice to me. The bed, the wind, the mj and the television in my room. WoooooH.
I can even sleep without the fan on! :D

Ok, i know i am flying high now. At least for now, i have got a decent room all to myself!! hehe

One bad thing about here, it's quite inaccessible. The duration of waiting for 163 is so unpredictable. So it's either you are so damn lucky you could get a bus right when you reach the bus stop or wait for almost 20mins for the next bus or so? Ya, that's how it goes.

Nonetheless I'm still in love with my new home! hehe

Alright alright, maybe i could invite some friends over for a meal when I'm richer. soon.

Ok, bye now!


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

shin said...

wa new room! CNY go ur hse eat steamboat.

celestine said...

Anon: hahaha, thanks ;)

shin: come la but u prepare all the food kay. lol